Friday, July 15, 2011

Social Media Statistics

Sometimes it is nice when someone digests a huge amount of statistics for you. And that is just what blogger Sarah Evans whose Commentz blog deals with social media and public relations did for AdAge. Sarah selected her staff's fifty most insightful stats on social media. Among the ones of most interest to me are these:

1. "Social media accounts for one out of every six minutes spent online in US." (

16. "Mobile is one of the fastest-growing platforms in the world. With 40% of U.S. mobile subscribers regularly browsing the internet on their phone and a projected 12.5% of all e-commerce transactions going mobile by the end of the year, it's a channel that you need to be aware of. According to Google, mobile web traffic will surpass PC traffic by 2013." (60 Second Marketer)

20. "Users say they're more likely to buy if a business answers their questions on Twitter." (

27. "Groupon is on track to bring in between $3 billion and $4 billion in revenue this year alone. Facebook's 2010 sales were reported to be only around $2 billion in its sixth year of existence." (Knowledge@Wharton via MSNBC)

36. "33% of Facebook posting is mobile." (Dan Zarella)

49. "Nearly seven in 10 tablet owners reported spending at least 1 hour per day using the device, including 38% who spent over 2 hours on it. And while just 28% consider it their primary computer, 77% are spending less time on desktop or laptop PCs since they got a tablet." (eMarketer)

See the entire article here:

Post Written By Stacy Waymire, ICBA Executive Director

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